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About KPX

About KPX


글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

Requirements According to The Market Rule

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Description Advance Preparation Procedure Object
Preparation for synchronization Notification of plant change plan Newly installed generators or extended generators
Request for the examination of the protection method Central dispatch generators
Request for the examination of protection device correction Central dispatch generators
Request for the examination of main transformer tap correction Transformers with capacity of more than 154kV
Request for the examination of the effective grounding of the main transformer neutral point Transformers with capacity of more than 154kV
Installation of the automatic remote terminal unit (RTU) Central dispatch generators
Request for approval for initial line charging (synchronization) Newly installed generators or extended generators
Preparation for bidding Installation of metering equipment and terminal units for bidding All generators
Submission of generation schedule by startup operation All generators
Submission of generation cost evaluation data Central dispatch generators
Submission of auxiliary system operation service data Central dispatch generators