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Supply & Demand

Supply & Demand

With the KEPCO’s generation sector spun off into separate companies, the Basic Plan for Long-term Electricity Supply and Demand (“Basic Plan”) is being established with the basis in each company’s independent business plans, aiming for a healthy generation competition. As the demand for efficiency and the care for the environment fit for the changing electricity market increases, the Basic Plan is established through expert-backed, transparent process. It takes many factors into account, such as the expected optimum capacity, generation mix as decided by policy, and the environmental costs involved in taking measures to the international regulations. The Basic Plan also goes in tandem with the Basic National Energy Plan and other key energy plans, like the long-term natural gas supply-demand plan.

  1. Foming of Working Committees
    • General policies
    • Generation plans
    • Transmission plans
    • Demand Forecasting and Demand Side Management
  2. Demand Forecasting
    • Input Variables(GDP, industrial structure, demography, temperature, etc.)
    • Reference Demand(BAU) Forecast
    • Calculate DSM Goals
    • Target Demand Forecast
  3. Setting of standards for the plan
    • Supply reliability,discountrate,and exchange rate
    • Lifecycle of the generators
    • Set target for CO2 emission
    • Costs for construction, fuel, and operation
    • Rate of outage (unscheduled, scheduled) and themal efficiency
  4. Surveying Construction intents
    • shutdown plans
    • Completion plans for generators under construction
    • Construction plans for new generators
    • Construction plans for policy-mandated generators
  5. Drafting and Gathering of Opinions
    • Domodeling (EGEAS, WASP, P-POOL)
    • Setbase roadmap, long tem outlook, etc.
    • Reflectsystem plans-Ensure feasibility of the plans
    • Gather opinions from Gencos and the govemment
    • Hold expert panel meetings
  6. Finalizing and Announcing tvhe Basic Plan
    • Deliberation of the Electricity Policy Review Committee
    • Announcement of the new plan by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy