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2022년도 전력시장통계 영문판(2022 Electricity Market Statistics)
  • 작성일2023/12/22 11:10
  • 작성자김성모
  • 분류시장운영실적
  • 조회수1,832
  • 연락처061-330-8976
❋ Title: 2022 Electricity Market Statistics

❋ Scope
 Member: companies registered on the KPX electricity market
 Regions: Nationwide (cities/provinces)

❋ Period
 Cycle: One year
 Data compilation and reporting period: February 1 - February 30 of the following year
 Period surveyed: January 1 - December 31 of the survey target year

❋ Disclaimers for data use
 Figures and details are subject to change depending on the period, and revisions of the Electricity Market Rules by KPX.
 Numbers in the data have been rounded, hence there may be discrepancies between subtotals and total sums.

❋ Publisher
 Power Market Settlement Team, Korea Power Exchange
  • xlsx 첨부파일 2022 Electricity Market Statistics.xlsx (6.2MB / 다운로드 677회) 다운로드

콘텐츠 정보책임자

  • 담당부서 시장고객총괄팀
  • 담당자 홍나영
  • 문의전화 061-330-8548

업데이트 2024/03/26

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